Meet The NEW Team Cyber PR!

Meet The NEW Team Cyber PR!

There’s a new Team Cyber PR, and I’m excited to introduce them to you! You may have noticed a few months ago, I put out the call to my email list looking for new talented, brilliant artists who have a propensity also to be great marketers (rare!) I was...
5 Music Crowdfunding Myths – Busted!

5 Music Crowdfunding Myths – Busted!

You’re excited about your next project, am I right? And to celebrate, maybe you’re thinking about crowdfunding to raise money. Or, perhaps you’ve run campaigns before with less than ideal results and now you’re trying to figure out what went...
Our Top 10 Blog Posts for Musicians

Our Top 10 Blog Posts for Musicians

You may have noticed, we post a lot here. What can we say. We love what we do and we love educating musicians on the power of understanding the music industry and it’s many nuances. Now, we don’t like to play favorites but, there are a few that have stood...
Best Practices for Spotify Playlist Submission

Best Practices for Spotify Playlist Submission

In the ever-changing landscape that is the music industry, Spotify playlist submission has become critical to artists, and it’s easy to see why. When was the last time you were without a playlist, or pulling up your favorite song to show a friend? Spotify fame...
The Musicians Guide to Pre-Release Strategies

The Musicians Guide to Pre-Release Strategies

You’ve wrapped up gathering all the essentials for your release: album artwork, mastered .wav files, and more. The excitement to share your music with the world is palpable. After investing so much time into your music you’re eager for its debut. But hold...
Want to Become a Music Freelancer? Watch Now!

Want to Become a Music Freelancer? Watch Now!

Hello, friends and fellow music freelancers (it’s weird to call myself a music freelancer but I’ll get to that in a moment…) Recently I joined the  Women In Music Summit. and for the first time, I opened up about a topic that’s close to my...

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