Musicians Guide To Using Hashtags On Social Media

Musicians Guide To Using Hashtags On Social Media

When creating and posting content on social media, what are the chances of you choosing the right hashtags? They’re probably higher than you think, which is a good thing because hashtags actually are just as important as everyone says. But using them correctly?...
Social Media Tuneup: New And Improved For You

Social Media Tuneup: New And Improved For You

I have a little ebook that many artists who buy it love…  Social Media Tuneup. I’ve had a deep love-hate relationship with the fact that I was an early pied piper leading artists to social media. Only to discover years later how detrimental it is to our...
Inside Our Social Media Campaigns For Musicians

Inside Our Social Media Campaigns For Musicians

Do you have a cohesive social media campaign planned or do you feel like your pants are on fire whenever you need to post?  I understand! It’s a lot of work to keep your online presence fresh and engaging – especially if you’re also trying to create...
How To Grow Your Fanbase Beyond Social Media

How To Grow Your Fanbase Beyond Social Media

As modern technology advances, more artists and fans become reliant on the digital realm. Social media becomes the central ground. This triggers a domino effect: one artist starts a trend, and the rest follow behind as they fall into the oversaturated crowd. Due to...
Your Social Media Is Your Story

Your Social Media Is Your Story

Social media and music marketing have become inseparable in today’s modern music industry. Audiences now demand that you maintain a strong social media presence and still, many musicians still ignore this. I get it, social media can feel difficult, daunting...

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