Why You Should Consider Leaving Twitter / X

Why You Should Consider Leaving Twitter / X

I’m honored to share that last week I was included in this newsletter highlighting why Twitter is no longer a good platform for artists. I share my insights and experience (alongside Sir Elton John no less)! Here’s the TLDR: We all know that social media...
Twitter Strategy For Musicians: Social Media House Part 4

Twitter Strategy For Musicians: Social Media House Part 4

Twitter gives your fans a more direct connection to you and allows you to join in conversations that are relevant and helpful to your brand. Once you get great at tweeting, it takes less than 15 minutes a day to use effectively—without your computer. Twitter will help...
Musicians Guide to Twitter Spaces

Musicians Guide to Twitter Spaces

Social media is ever expanding, and platforms have to adjust as users’ needs and wants of an application also change. It’s important for artists to be aware of these new services so they can maximize their reach on each platform. We’re going to...

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