How To Use and Benefit From PlaylistSupply

How To Use and Benefit From PlaylistSupply

As an independent artist, you have a lot to keep up with. Spotify playlists are high up on the list of “overwhelming things to manage.” The more streams a song gets, the more monthly listeners an artist has, the more your clout builds and the more the gods...
New Music Release Plan – 12 Week Step-By-Step Guide

New Music Release Plan – 12 Week Step-By-Step Guide

Releasing music in this crazy, over saturated world is a bitch. With 30,000+ tracks per day going up on Spotify how in the heck are you supposed to stand out? When we build our musician’s Total Tuneups the #1 thing artists ask us for is a specific step-by-step...
Musicians Guide to Marketing Platforms

Musicians Guide to Marketing Platforms

In case you have not heard, your DSP (Digital Service Provider) or streaming strategy is crucial to your success as an artist. You and you alone are responsible for driving likes and streams to Spotify. You also need to drive likes and subscribers and get people...
5 Mistakes Artists Make on Spotify

5 Mistakes Artists Make on Spotify

Believe it or not, there was a time where no one even knew the word Spotify and streaming was a thing that only happened in the context of radio stations playing your music across the airwaves. While it’s hard to imagine an era before Spotify became the...
Advice For Musicians: Create Miracles with Marketing

Advice For Musicians: Create Miracles with Marketing

As we are coming to the final lap of the year I put a call out to some of the smartest people I know asking for their thoughts on marketing for 2023. My dear friend, mentor, and coach Julie Flanders who is in the band October Project responded with her brilliance in...

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