Social Media Tune Up eBook

social media tuneup

It’s time to take control…


only $17

From Cyber PR Founder, Ariel Hyatt…

“I designed this to give you all the tools you need to improve your social media presence, increase the size of your online footprint, and ultimately drive more traffic to your site, your socials, and your business.”

In This Book We Cover:

  • How to benefit from Blogging
  • Email Newsletter Best Practices
  • Influencing on LinkedIn
  • Using Facebook to generate revenue
  • and much, much more!

What You Get:

INTRO: Why Social Media = Magic

PART 1: Audience How to Identify & Engage Your Audience

PART 2: Website Creating an effective and impactful home base

PART 3 : Email Designing an effective email strategy

PART 4: Content Building a cache of solid content to feed your socials

PART 5: Social Platforms & Tune Ups

Facebook – Instagram – Spotify – TikTok – Twitter – YouTube – LinkedIn – Pinterest

OUTRO: The best and worst times to post on socials

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