Making The Most Of Your Musicians Website

Making The Most Of Your Musicians Website

Building a musicians website from scratch can be scary. It takes a lot of time out of our days and if you aren’t a creative, you might struggle a little. With your socials in tip-top shape, you might think a website isn’t worth your time. However, there...
Social Media Tuneup: New And Improved For You

Social Media Tuneup: New And Improved For You

I have a little ebook that many artists who buy it love…  Social Media Tuneup. I’ve had a deep love-hate relationship with the fact that I was an early pied piper leading artists to social media. Only to discover years later how detrimental it is to our...
Inside Our Social Media Campaigns For Musicians

Inside Our Social Media Campaigns For Musicians

Do you have a cohesive social media campaign planned or do you feel like your pants are on fire whenever you need to post?  I understand! It’s a lot of work to keep your online presence fresh and engaging – especially if you’re also trying to create...
10 Tips For Music Promotion This Summer

10 Tips For Music Promotion This Summer

It’s summertime once again! One of the biggest mistakes many artists make is frantically trying to amass more potential fans while not paying enough attention to the ones they already have. Followers aren’t things you collect, store away, and never tend to...
Meet The NEW Team Cyber PR!

Meet The NEW Team Cyber PR!

There’s a new Team Cyber PR, and I’m excited to introduce them to you! You may have noticed a few months ago, I put out the call to my email list looking for new talented, brilliant artists who have a propensity also to be great marketers (rare!) I was...

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