Best Tips For Live Streaming in 2024

Best Tips For Live Streaming in 2024

By now most of us have tried live streaming performances. Even in a world beyond the pandemic, not every artist can readily perform at bars, festivals, or events. For those reluctantly turning to live streams, the landscape has evolved and lucky for you, it’s...
Best Practices for Spotify Playlist Submission

Best Practices for Spotify Playlist Submission

In the ever-changing landscape that is the music industry, Spotify playlist submission has become critical to artists, and it’s easy to see why. When was the last time you were without a playlist, or pulling up your favorite song to show a friend? Spotify fame...
Understanding Spotify and Lyrics Sync With MusixMatch

Understanding Spotify and Lyrics Sync With MusixMatch

Apple, Amazon music, Spotify, and many other streaming platforms have an amazing lyric sync partnership through MusixMatch. What Is a Lyric Sync, You May Ask? A lyric sync is a visual aid that shows fans the lyrics to a song as it is being played on your device. When...
7 Holiday Music Promotion Tips You Should Follow

7 Holiday Music Promotion Tips You Should Follow

Here are some killer Holiday Tips to help you increase your engagement with your fans! As an artist, there is no better time than the HOLIDAZE to work on building engagement and connections with your fans. Holiday Tip #1: Create and Share Holiday-Themed Music and...

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