Why You Should Consider Leaving Twitter / X

Why You Should Consider Leaving Twitter / X

I’m honored to share that last week I was included in this newsletter highlighting why Twitter is no longer a good platform for artists. I share my insights and experience (alongside Sir Elton John no less)! Here’s the TLDR: We all know that social media...
AI Music Webinar – Watch Now For Free!

AI Music Webinar – Watch Now For Free!

My AI Music Webinar is ready to watch now! If you are tired of spending countless hours on exhausting marketing tasks that drain your energy and take you away from your true passion of creating music? If the answer is yes, I have something I want to share with you! By...
Musicians Guide to Marketing Platforms

Musicians Guide to Marketing Platforms

In case you have not heard, your DSP (Digital Service Provider) or streaming strategy is crucial to your success as an artist. You and you alone are responsible for driving likes and streams to Spotify. You also need to drive likes and subscribers and get people...
Women in The Music Industry Share Their Best Advice

Women in The Music Industry Share Their Best Advice

For International Women’s Day, my all-women team and I are celebrating some incredible women in the music industry. These 23 women (plus yours truly) have been making a difference for combined centuries and we know our stuff. They all were generous to share their...

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