5 Music Branding Atrocities To Avoid At All Costs

5 Music Branding Atrocities To Avoid At All Costs

Your musician brand is the foundation of your artistry. Yet, artists commit brand atrocities all the time.  Here are the worst ones so you can be aware of them and avoid making these musician branding mistakes. 1. Not Having A Brand P-L-A-N! – AKA A Strategy A...
What Seth Godin Can Teach The Music Industry [Part 1]

What Seth Godin Can Teach The Music Industry [Part 1]

 Here is Part 1 of my two part interview with the inspiring Seth Godin: These are the lessons you will learn from watching this video…  LESSON #1: Mass Vs. Weird ‘Normal’ means that you are lumped up in the middle of the bell curve(i.e. part of the...
5 Challenges to Building a Strong Online Musician Brand

5 Challenges to Building a Strong Online Musician Brand

The key to establishing yourself online and within your niche is building a strong musician brand. Unfortunately, this is far easier said than done. The process of designing, building and nurturing a new brand means you have established: Your WHY – the reason...
The Musician’s Guide to Finding A Target Market

The Musician’s Guide to Finding A Target Market

One part of creating a successful business (which you need to do as an artist)  is identifying your target market and within that, your ideal customer. This is the archetype you should direct your brand, your messaging, and your social posts towards. Don’t get caught...
How to Identify and Engage Your Ultimate Fan

How to Identify and Engage Your Ultimate Fan

Out of your online following, how many true “fans” do you actually have — people who know you, like you, trust you and would part with money to hire or support you? Do you know what your ultimate fan wants?  And are there 50, 100, 1,000? How do you communicate with...

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